Simultaneous Management: Managing Projects in a Dynamic Environment Review

Simultaneous Management: Managing Projects in a Dynamic Environment
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Simultaneous Management is the only book I know offering practical advice for people making decisions in complex, uncertain and quick situations. But don't expect prescriptions about what you "should" do. Insteadthe book offers 9 principles drawn from observing and working with topmanagers and illustrates their application with elegant stories from reallife. Theory and practice in one package.
The book rests on research inconstruction project management and is valuable in different ways for theboth experienced and novice managers in any industry. The experiencedmanager will discover new ways to understand their experience; what workedand why. The novice will keep coming back as the principles provide acomprehensive basis for thinking about and making decisions. I particularlyrecommend the principles and stories for coping with uncertainty

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Product Description:
This text combines classic project management theory and similutaneous project management (SPM). It spells out the stages of SPM, and identifies informal methods that project managers use to delineate between people and concurrent task priorities.

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