The One-Page Project Manager: Communicate and Manage Any Project With a Single Sheet of Paper Review

The One-Page Project Manager: Communicate and Manage Any Project With a Single Sheet of Paper
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Developed my own 1 page project manager and have been using it for the last several years but it never felt complete. Kept searching and even tried to get the publisher and Campbell to release a book to me earlier with no success. I received and read the book on Monday, defaced it on Tuesday and was using the form by Tuesday afternoon. Re-read the book Tuesday night. The book is an easy read, does not try to re-teach me project management but explains the use of the form. The 1 page project manager is right on target. It is better than mine! The simplicity makes it easy for non-professional and begining project managers to use but when used by seasoned veterans for its reporting aspect it will be truly appreciated.

Recommend it to anyone, but beware like all plans it is in the implementation of them that makes them succesful, not in the form itself. That is why the simplicity of a single page works.

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Product Description:
The One-Page Project Manager shows you how to boil down any project into a simple, one-page document that can be used to communicate all essential details to upper management, other departments, suppliers, and audiences. This practical guide will save time and effort, helping you identify the vital parts of a project and communicate those parts and duties to other team members.

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